The Shrink Rides Again

Sep 21, 2004
The Shrink’s a very shrewd cookie indeed. It’s amazing how Millennium Sports has been a sponsor of the RX to way back in days that he individually owned the site, and he profited directly from Millennium’s sponsorship. Yes, he was the guy on the other end of the phone this year when Millennium was asked to renew their sponsorship. It seems as though the Shrink does not know how to live up to his word. First he sells the RX site to some very honorable people, who trusted him to the point that they did not ask a non-compete clause of him. The Shrink took the big bucks, hung around for awhile, made sure he continued to be visible within the forum, then decided to become the RX’s competitor, as evidenced by the personal email that I received from him on Friday, which I’m now openly sharing in this forum to the very people he plans to steal from the RX.

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

Yes, the honorable Brits, that manage the BOS family executed a contract with his new site, www.f’, (it’s not worth mentioning here), sent him the funds for sponsorship, and now he’s not willing to honor the contract because of the backlash that Millennium is experiencing at the moment within the RX forum as a result of the parent company, BOS, becoming a sponsor. He’s decided to continue doing things his way, by deceiving people, instead of watching out for their best interests. Why was Royal an amicable sponsor when the Shrink pulled all of the strings? What back room deal did he do then as a moderator of a site that was supposed to be watching out for your best interests? Now he’s decided to preclude Millennium from his new site so that he will be successful in stealing all of the participants within this forum that he has nutured over the years. Why is Millennium worthy of being a sponsor on the RX? Certainly the company should be banished for the $150 that C Sims claims it owes him. Why has C Sims refused to call Mike Mitchell to try and retrieve his lost account balance? Probably because he is one who enjoys itching his athlete’s feet instead of putting some Lotrimin on it as a cure.


And For Mr. Jay C who derives pleasure from bashing BOS and it’s alleged debt to the BW beard. Ironically his company (whom I’m sure he’ll return to the moment the feds pull the leash next spring) is a prominent sponsor on the Shrink’s new site. I guess he can’t stand competition from a worthy company such as Millennium. Let me tell you how it is Jay C….once and for all. GK sold his interests in the company in July of 2004 to investors around the globe. Like anyone who buys a company from someone else, the seller warrants any outstanding loans, debts, or claims. The Investors bought the company clean as a whistle. This is of public knowledge, and you can check it out for yourself in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region><st1:place>England</st1:place></st1:country-region>. If BW has a claim he can make it directly to the Brits, and they in turn will impose a claim against GK in an English court of law, and force him to resolve the debt if so declared by arbitrators. Yes, your man can get his date in court for the asking, but present ownership is absolutely immune and innocent of any wrongdoings from the past, and is not responsible for that alleged debt. If anyone has a claim or complaint in how the companies have been run in the last 13 months then speak up, as I’m sure they’re (the Brits) worthy and eager to resolve it.


As for the Shrink and his new site, I hope it rots in hell, along with him, and none of these companies (BOS family) will EVER perpetuate his deception. I now firmly believe that the RX has fully expunged itself of the deceit that the Shrink carried, and I hope you all now realize that this site truly belongs to all of the posters since the Shrink has crawled under another rug. Those that decide to stray to the Shrink’s future endeavors are those that wish to be manipulated by his deceit, and like C Sims, enjoy scratching your feet.


Friday <st1:time Minute="0" Hour="19">7PM</st1:time>:



I was about to email this to you but I see yours came first...<o:p></o:p>

I understand that you are upset by our decision to take the Millennium
banner down for the time being and I hope that you will hear me out and
work with me to come to a resolution that will be favorable to both of

We FULLY agree that the backlash against Millennium is unwarranted and
blown way out of proportion. And if xxx were already established and
relied on traffic outside of these current forum naysayers, we would
not be making this decision. The problem that we have is that
PERCEPTION is everything. And, out of the gate, our traffic is going
to be exclusively from posters from the Rx and others.

We do have a solution that I think will help us bring you onto the site
with a minimum of backlash. We want to do two things in the early days
of XXX. First, we will begin a thread in which I will state that I
believe in Millennium 100% and don't feel that their connection to BoS
means that they should carry the same bad reputation. Secondly, we
will be opening another advertising spot whereby sports books can have
their own Overview page as the other advertisers do. We will be
charging advertisers $1k per month for this spot but will give this to
you FREE. In the thread we start backing Millennium, we will openly
state that we have given you this spot for free as a measure of good
faith and to demonstrate that we have TOTAL faith in your company. We
will let posters know that if all goes well with Millennium for six
months, that we plan to reinstate you as a DIAMOND advertiser.

We would encourage you to participate in this discussion freely and
often. In the end, this might help to ease the association with BoS
and boost the perception these posters have of Millennium's credibility
to the point where it should be already.

Please believe that this has been a very difficult decision for me to
make and that I will do everything in my power to make this right with
you. But we absolutely need to work on the posters first and foremost. <o:p></o:p>

We will be out of business without them and being a brand new company,
we want to do everything we can to let them know that we are there for
THEM first.

I will give you a call soon to follow up to this email. I want us to
work this out.

Last edited by a moderator:

New member
Feb 4, 2003
I don't think anyone who is familiar with Ken's way of "doing business" would deny it is scummy

hopefully the more influential books will decide to stop associating with him

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Kudos to SHRINK for refusing advertising money from the thieves at BetOnSports. As far as the money Millennium stole from me, why should I call Mike Mitchell at Millennium when they already said they had no record of me ever having an account there? You dirtbags wiped my account clean. So now I am suppose to call him and get my $150 provided I keep my mouth shut on Millennium's thievery? I am going to tell you what SHRINK told the BetOnSports family, TAKE A HIKE!!!

New member
Sep 20, 2004
If you steal, or have close connections to people who steal and fail to distance yourself from them, then you will have a hard time getting respect. Is this really so difficult to comprehend?

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
Maybe the contracts could have a "moral turpitude clause" like professional franchises have.

It's HIS site and he can take who he wants or tell them to take their ball and go home.

You come off as a crying baby.

New member
Feb 1, 2005
Millennium is not a book to be criticizing others. You can keep ignoring me, but it won't change the fact that Millennium either has terrible flawed software (I doubt this) or they intentionally tried to cheat me. Just to review, a minimum of twice I typed in my password on the confirm screen and waited through the delay millennium placed on my bets and those bets were confirmed at different numbers (1/2 point different to my detriment in each circumstance). Since I knew what I had on the confirm screen both times, I was wise enough to copy and paste screen shots into ms word and talked to millenniums internet support which after emailing the screen shots was nice enough to change for me since I was clearly wronged. If millennium is to be believed, the odds changed at almost the instant I placed the bets and somehow it confirmed different than I put it in. If so, you have terribly messed up software and should not be taking bets until it's fixed. I might add that I have never had an incident like these happen at any other sportsbook or heard of it happening to anyone else. So which is it millennium? Did you try to cheat me or is your software terribly flawed? Or will you just ignore me again?

Millennium Sportsbook * said:
The Shrink’s a very shrewd cookie indeed. It’s amazing how Millennium Sports has been a sponsor of the RX to way back in days that he individually owned the site, and he profited directly from Millennium’s sponsorship. Yes, he was the guy on the other end of the phone this year when Millennium was asked to renew their sponsorship. It seems as though the Shrink does not know how to live up to his word. First he sells the RX site to some very honorable people, who trusted him to the point that they did not ask a non-compete clause of him. The Shrink took the big bucks, hung around for awhile, made sure he continued to be visible within the forum, then decided to become the RX’s competitor, as evidenced by the personal email that I received from him on Friday, which I’m now openly sharing in this forum to the very people he plans to steal from the RX.

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

Yes, the honorable Brits, that manage the BOS family executed a contract with his new site, www.f’, (it’s not worth mentioning here), sent him the funds for sponsorship, and now he’s not willing to honor the contract because of the backlash that Millennium is experiencing at the moment within the RX forum as a result of the parent company, BOS, becoming a sponsor. He’s decided to continue doing things his way, by deceiving people, instead of watching out for their best interests. Why was Royal an amicable sponsor when the Shrink pulled all of the strings? What back room deal did he do then as a moderator of a site that was supposed to be watching out for your best interests? Now he’s decided to preclude Millennium from his new site so that he will be successful in stealing all of the participants within this forum that he has nutured over the years. Why is Millennium worthy of being a sponsor on the RX? Certainly the company should be banished for the $150 that C Sims claims it owes him. Why has C Sims refused to call Mike Mitchell to try and retrieve his lost account balance? Probably because he is one who enjoys itching his athlete’s feet instead of putting some Lotrimin on it as a cure.


And For Mr. Jay C who derives pleasure from bashing BOS and it’s alleged debt to the BW beard. Ironically his company (whom I’m sure he’ll return to the moment the feds pull the leash next spring) is a prominent sponsor on the Shrink’s new site. I guess he can’t stand competition from a worthy company such as Millennium. Let me tell you how it is Jay C….once and for all. GK sold his interests in the company in July of 2004 to investors around the globe. Like anyone who buys a company from someone else, the seller warrants any outstanding loans, debts, or claims. The Investors bought the company clean as a whistle. This is of public knowledge, and you can check it out for yourself in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region><st1:place>England</st1:place></st1:country-region>. If BW has a claim he can make it directly to the Brits, and they in turn will impose a claim against GK in an English court of law, and force him to resolve the debt if so declared by arbitrators. Yes, your man can get his date in court for the asking, but present ownership is absolutely immune and innocent of any wrongdoings from the past, and is not responsible for that alleged debt. If anyone has a claim or complaint in how the companies have been run in the last 13 months then speak up, as I’m sure they’re (the Brits) worthy and eager to resolve it.


As for the Shrink and his new site, I hope it rots in hell, along with him, and none of these companies (BOS family) will EVER perpetuate his deception. I now firmly believe that the RX has fully expunged itself of the deceit that the Shrink carried, and I hope you all now realize that this site truly belongs to all of the posters since the Shrink has crawled under another rug. Those that decide to stray to the Shrink’s future endeavors are those that wish to be manipulated by his deceit, and like C Sims, enjoy scratching your feet.


Friday <st1:time Minute="0" Hour="19">7PM</st1:time>:



I was about to email this to you but I see yours came first...<o:p></o:p>

I understand that you are upset by our decision to take the Millennium
banner down for the time being and I hope that you will hear me out and
work with me to come to a resolution that will be favorable to both of

We FULLY agree that the backlash against Millennium is unwarranted and
blown way out of proportion. And if EOG were already established and
relied on traffic outside of these current forum naysayers, we would
not be making this decision. The problem that we have is that
PERCEPTION is everything. And, out of the gate, our traffic is going
to be exclusively from posters from the Rx and others.

We do have a solution that I think will help us bring you onto the site
with a minimum of backlash. We want to do two things in the early days
of XXX. First, we will begin a thread in which I will state that I
believe in Millennium 100% and don't feel that their connection to BoS
means that they should carry the same bad reputation. Secondly, we
will be opening another advertising spot whereby sports books can have
their own Overview page as the other advertisers do. We will be
charging advertisers $1k per month for this spot but will give this to
you FREE. In the thread we start backing Millennium, we will openly
state that we have given you this spot for free as a measure of good
faith and to demonstrate that we have TOTAL faith in your company. We
will let posters know that if all goes well with Millennium for six
months, that we plan to reinstate you as a DIAMOND advertiser.

We would encourage you to participate in this discussion freely and
often. In the end, this might help to ease the association with BoS
and boost the perception these posters have of Millennium's credibility
to the point where it should be already.

Please believe that this has been a very difficult decision for me to
make and that I will do everything in my power to make this right with
you. But we absolutely need to work on the posters first and foremost. <o:p></o:p>

We will be out of business without them and being a brand new company,
we want to do everything we can to let them know that we are there for
THEM first.

I will give you a call soon to follow up to this email. I want us to
work this out.


Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000

If they owe you some money and want to discuss it, CALL. If you decide not to for whatever reason then shut the fuck up about it as you had your chance. Unless you just want to keep beating a dead horse, the role of martyr doesn`t fit too well. Not on their side by any means and you seem like a smart guy, why not just get it over with and move on? Luck to you. I`ve used Mil. in the past and may do so again NEVER any problems.
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
It baffles me that an OFFSHORE SPORTSBOOK, who is in the business for ONE THING, and ONE THING take people's money...........would take a shot at anyone else making a business decision when they see an opportunity to make money.Especially one, who at least in the beginning, had a very good idea and all intentions of helping others with the creation of a site such as The RX, that was not created SOLELY for one pupose only ,such as the accuser here, to rake in money from many that don't have a clue.

Whether Shrinkster is or isn't around TheRX anymore, who doesn't like him anymore, or what his future intentions are, the LAST one that should be criticizing him about anything to do with "not living up to their word" , "stealing" , "tricking" or being "untrustworthy" ............... is a sportsbook

Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
All this proves is both of you, Shrink and Millenium, are scum and this has convince me not to signup at EOG when they open or ever play at Millenium.

New member
Feb 5, 2005
You sir are a bitch for printing Ken's email, his private email to you. You became rich in this industry yet you have no honor. All the money you made in this industry and you are still an honorless bitch.

You of course have the right to be mad, you obviously feel you have been wronged. You should have every right to come in as you have and blast away with both barrels. Good show there. But posting a private email on a public forum??? Waht are you thinking? Where is your honor?

You should edit that post and remove that email now.

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
Can a mod tell me why this can stay in the offshore forum, but me simply asking if SRHINK will attend the bash gets moved?

Is this because this makes SHRINK look like the dishonest scum and it is a little revenge for what SHRINK did to the RX?


New member
Jul 20, 2002
Bigbet, nothing to do with revenge or any other ulterior motives. Millenium wants to air a grievence,and should be afforded that right.

Whether not Shrink is attending the Bash can be answered anywhere, including the Rubber Room..


Can't we ALL just get along?!!
Sep 20, 2000
This thread is going to get out of hand. Anyone that had any money in Mill or BOS should obviously pull out of there (as if they shouldn't have years ago).

Maybe if Mill crawled out from under the BOS umbrella you would have some actual credibility here but not while you still take marching orders from Better Off elSewhere.

Stand on your own two feet! As for Ken he should know better. No one is in the right here. It's a shame.

I should add my outrage is more at the email posted from Ken by Mill than anything else.


LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
wilheim said:
Bigbet, nothing to do with revenge or any other ulterior motives. Millenium wants to air a grievence,and should be afforded that right.

Whether not Shrink is attending the Bash can be answered anywhere, including the Rubber Room..



What a site this has turned it is ok to post private emails. You are a class act Wil.

Sep 20, 2004
Clipper right or wrong , this isn't the first time emails have been posted , and I'm sure those involved, would know more than anyone the email would or could be posted..

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Clip Joint said:

What a site this has turned it is ok to post private emails. You are a class act Wil.
Shrink has done it too clip

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Clip Joint, sorry you feel that way. In fact plenty of emails and even a few IMs have been posted here at The Rx. and at other sites. Just because Shrink (I assume) wrote this one doesn't meake it any different. Let's see when I move Skrink threads to the Rubber Room I am hiding them, but when I leave them Offshore I am classless. Hard to win no matter what.

Thanks for posting nonetheless, wilheim

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
You guys can run this site however you see fit (that has become painfully obvious)...but I distinctly remember someone posting an IM conversation with The General and it being removed. I also remember TOW posting an email on here that was removed with the "no personal email please" tag from Wilheim.

Didn't Journey post the IM conversation with Ken also and it was removed?

"We don't allow anything about Ken's new site in the main forum...unless it is to bash him."

Solid policy.

New member
Feb 5, 2005
Clip is right and just because it was done in the past doesn't make it right.

After seeing BetMil post his private email I think it makes Shrink look like a smart sob for taking them down.

And anyway, whats he trying to accomplish? This kind of bitchery only makes shrink/eog bigger than life. He is big enough without all the free PR.

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